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Profile User Manager

Oscar - aDoddle's Mascot

Please Note - Each of the Content sections are links you can click on to take you to that specific part.

  1. 1 About the User Manager and Sharing Permissions
  2. 2 Add/Invite Team Member(s)
  3. 3 Profile Editing Permissions Dashboard
  4. 4 Set Up & Manage Profile Editing Permissions
  5. 5 Remove Users and/or Amend Profile Sharing Permissions

1: About the User Manager and Sharing Permissions

Image showing a screenshot of the 'Tab' for the 'User Manager' section within the profile dashboard.


One of the options we offer in your Project Profile dashboard, is the ability to set ‘permissions’ for other people to have access to edit and maintain the content in your Project Profile for you or alongside you.

Examples of people who could have editing permissions: 

  • Team members
  • Volunteers
  • Other organisations (Partners, Collaborations, Event Organisers etc) (?)

Each Project Profile that you set up has the ability to do this within its own unique dashboard, which can be found in the ‘User Manager’ section.


Please Note: It’s really important you ensure the person whose email address is being added, has already created an account on aDoddle. You can copy the links below to send to anyone that you are inviting/giving access permissions to (It is free)

Link to Creating an Account on aDoddle: https://adoddle.org/app/login

Link to Guide: https://guides-hub.adoddle.org/creating-and-managing-your-account/creating-an-account-on-adoddle/


2: Add/Invite Team Member(s)

Add/Invite Team Members - Profile Sharing Permissions. Set on a light to dark orange graduated background with an assortment of different sized white hands creating a boarder along the bottom edge.


Once you are in the  ‘User Manager’ section of the project profile dashboard it will look similar to this:


1 Click on the ‘Add User +’ button


A new ‘pop-up’ box will open



2 Add the email address of the person you want to give permission to here.

Please note: Please ensure that the email address being added, has already created an account on aDoddle.


3 Once you are happy that you have added the correct email address, click ‘Add User’


3: Profile Editing Permissions Dashboard

Profile Editing Permissions Dashboard. Set on a light to dark orange graduated background with an assortment of different sized white hands creating a boarder along the bottom edge.


Your ‘User Manager’ dashboard should look similar to this (depending on how many new users have been added, and what device you are viewing the page on).



Each person will be sent an automatic email inviting them to accept the ‘role’ as a user – again, it’s really important that they have already set up an account with aDoddle – which is free!


Please Note: At this stage, the user you have invited does not yet have ‘permissions’ – you need to set up these next.


Your User Manager Dashboard Explained:

1 Here you will see the email address/es of the person/people you have given permissions to

2 This shows the date that you added them as a user

3 The number here shows how many permissions they have been given (if this is your first time setting up a new user, this will still show as ‘0’ until you edit the permissions given)

4 Here is where you can edit the permissions each user has

5 This number shows how many people you have given access and permissions to for this profile


4: Set Up & Manage Profile Editing Permissions

Set Up & Manage Profile Editing Permissions. Set on a light to dark orange graduated background with an assortment of different sized white hands creating a boarder along the bottom edge.


Each user can be given as few or as many permissions as you wish. There are options for each section of the Profile to choose from. Please Note: These can be changed at any time.


1  To begin managing your user permissions, click on ‘Edit Permissions’ 



2 This will show which user you are currently managing the permissions for. Where it says ‘Name’ below, this will show the name of the person you have invited to become a user.


3 Here are your Available Permissions: 

Place a ‘tick’ in each ‘check box’ to the left of each permission you wish to give this user.

  • User Administrator: (Please think carefully before selecting this option, as this will enable the user to give permissions to others and also delete the profile)
  • Delete Project (Again, please think carefully before selecting this option)
  • Duplicates
  • Essentials
  • Story
  • Location
  • Opening Hours
  • Contact
  • Media
  • Design
  • Settings



4 Once you are happy with the permissions given, please remember to click ‘Save Permissions’ 


5 Once you have allocated permissions to someone, you will notice that the User Manager dashboard will have updated with the number of permissions given to each user. Again, you can revisit this page to change permissions for users at any time




5: Remove Users and/or Amend Profile Sharing Permissions

Remove Users and-or Sharing Permissions. Set on a light to dark orange graduated background with an assortment of different sized white hands creating a boarder along the bottom edge.


There may be a time when a team member changes role or leaves your organisation and you wish to either amend or remove editing/sharing permissions. This is really easy to do.

Go to the User tab in the Project Profile dashboard and locate the user that you would like to remove or amend permissions for.


To Remove a Team Member:

1 To the far right hand side of their email address, click in the ‘Remove Access’ link

Please be aware that as soon as you click this link, their access to editing this profile will be removed.

If you have removed them in error, then you can re-add them following the process in the previous steps.


Please note that if this team member has access to more than one project profile, you will need to remove each one separately.


To Amend Permissions:

1  To begin amending the user permissions, click on ‘Edit Permissions’ 



2 This will show which user you are currently managing the permissions for. Where it says ‘Name’ below, this will show the name of the person for which you want to amend permissions.


3  Available Permissions: 

Place a ‘tick’ in each ‘check box’ to the left of each permission you wish to give this user.

  • User Administrator: (Please think carefully before selecting this option, as this will enable the user to give permissions to others and also delete the profile)
  • Delete Project (Again, please think carefully before selecting this option)
  • Duplicates
  • Essentials
  • Story
  • Location
  • Opening Hours
  • Contact
  • Media
  • Design
  • Settings



4 Once you are happy with the changes you have made, please remember to click ‘Save Permissions’ 


5 The User Manager dashboard will have updated the number of permissions given







Last Updated: 9th February 2023

Our Commitment to Accessibility

We are committed to making everything we do as accessible as possible, to as many people as possible. Our team always listens to feedback and if it is something that we can do, we will. Sometimes we are able to make changes immediately, at other times it may be a 'bigger' piece of Tech development, or we may need to do a piece of research first and it may take a little longer, and then there will be times when it is something that we can't do and for that we apologise.

Please Note Regarding Grammar & Accessibility:

Feedback from those with different abilities suggests that the use of punctuation can help them with reading and understanding. Therefore, our content and layout may not always be grammatically correct, we are doing this purposefully - working towards making it accessible for all.

Feedback? IF you have feedback or suggestions as to how we can improve this guid, please email hello@adoddle.org

Our team always listens and appreciates your feedback.

If you have feedback or suggestions as to how we can improve this guide, or the aDoddle Community Maps then please do get in touch. We genuinely do listen and all respectful feedback is appreciated.

We would also love to hear from you if there are things that you like or love about the maps or guides - it is wonderful for our team, who are mostly volunteers, to hear the good things as well and for them to know that their hard work is making a difference.

Thank you in advance for getting in touch.

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