We thought you might like some of these guides!
Please Note - Each of the Content sections are links you can click on to take you to that specific part.
The media section gives you the ability to personalise your profile by adding different types of media.
Options include:
All are optional. However, we would recommend uploading photos, quotes or case study images where possible as this will give those in need of help an even better understanding of what your project is about.
Media Options
1 Gallery: Add photos to your gallery – File types, which are; jpg, jpeg, jpe, png & up to 5 megabytes (MB) in size
2 Your Logo: File types, which are; jpg, jpeg, jpe, png & up to 5 megabytes (MB) in size
3 Documents: PDF document format only up to 5 megabytes (MB) in size. If your file is not in PDF format there are online PDF file converters available online, often free to use. We would recommend that you check out reviews before using – sadly there are unscrupulous people out there
Each of the Media options requires you to upload a ‘file’ whether that is a Graphic or PDF document.
For some this may be something that they are familiar with and this will be a simple step. However we are aware that others may find this step ‘daunting’.
Each person and organisation sets up their computer, laptop, tablet, etc differently and we all have our own ways of storing documents and graphics. There is no single ‘correct’ way of doing this. So here are a few tips that may help (and if you have other suggestions that we can add here please do let us know through the feedback form).
Tips for uploading media:
1 Once you are ready to upload your media just click on the button that says ‘Choose file”
Last Updated: 14th December 2022
We are committed to making everything we do as accessible as possible, to as many people as possible. Our team always listens to feedback and if it is something that we can do, we will. Sometimes we are able to make changes immediately, at other times it may be a 'bigger' piece of Tech development, or we may need to do a piece of research first and it may take a little longer, and then there will be times when it is something that we can't do and for that we apologise.
Please Note Regarding Grammar & Accessibility:
Feedback from those with different abilities suggests that the use of punctuation can help them with reading and understanding. Therefore, our content and layout may not always be grammatically correct, we are doing this purposefully - working towards making it accessible for all.
Our team always listens and appreciates your feedback.
If you have feedback or suggestions as to how we can improve this guide, or the aDoddle Community Maps then please do get in touch. We genuinely do listen and all respectful feedback is appreciated.
We would also love to hear from you if there are things that you like or love about the maps or guides - it is wonderful for our team, who are mostly volunteers, to hear the good things as well and for them to know that their hard work is making a difference.
Thank you in advance for getting in touch.