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Please Note - Each of the Content sections are links you can click on to take you to that specific part.
After speaking to hundreds of people who are using aDoddle for a variety of reasons, including – yet not limited to:
Personal use:
Work use:
Community use:
Support / Sponsor use:
This is just the tip of the iceberg with regard to the reasons that people are using aDoddle, and the more we heard, the more we realised that people were sharing or wanting to share. In a few of those conversations, there was the suggestion of being able to favourite profiles so that they could come back to them at a later date and also that they would like to then share those profiles with others.
So we listened and asked some more questions about what would be helpful and useful.
This is our 2nd iteration of list and favourites and we hope that you like them. In this version you have the ability to create multiple ‘Lists’ and then select if you want to keep them private, share a link to your list that only those you share it with can see, or share a public link.
If you have any feedback about how we can improve them, again, please message us through the contact form.
To be able to create lists of favourites, it is necessary for you to create A Free Account on aDoddle –
Creating an Account on aDoddle
If you already have an account you will need to sign in.
1 In the menu at the top of the page click on ‘Your Name’s aDoddle’
2 A dropdown list of options will open, click on ‘Lists & Favourites’
This will open a new page where you will see:
1 If you have added any profiles, you can search for them here – helpful for people who may have added multiple profiles or duplicates of a ‘Master’ profile
2 This shows you how many profiles you have added – this number will include duplicates
3 This shows you the number of ‘profiles’ that have been ‘assigned to you’. In other words if you have been given permission to edit profiles that someone else has added to the map
4 This shows you the number of lists that you have created
Creating your first list is as east as 1-2-3 (4-5)
1 Click on ‘Create Your First List’
This will open a ‘Pop-up’ window where you add your list details
2 Name your list
3 Select your privacy settings – see image 3.1 below
4 Add a description
5 Click on ‘Create List’
3.1 Select the privacy settings for your list:
Once you have created your list, you will now be able to see view it in your ‘Lists’ dashboard.
The example below shows two lists.
1 The name of your list
2 The privacy setting of your list
3 The number of profiles that you have added to your list
4 The date you created your list
There are a few different ways to add profiles to lists. To be able to use any of them you do need to have be signed in to your account. Accounts are free.
If you haven’t yet signed up for an account please see this guide: Creating an account on aDoddle
Step 1 – Start a Search:
1 Add a location
2 Select a ‘Radius’ – would you like your search to go out a distance of 5 miles, 10 miles, etc, from the start point of your search
3 Select the type of view that you would like to see the results in. For this example we are showing the map view. In the next section below we will show you list view.
Step 2: Optional – Add Filters or Tag Words
4 This will give you the first selection of results. However you may want to refine your search by adding ‘Filters’ or specific ‘Tag’ words, these help to reduce the number of results that you see.
Please note – You do not have to add any filters or categories
4.1 Add a specific ‘Tag’ word. You can choose any word that you feel may relate to the type of organisation that you are trying to find. Please remember that the results will only show profiles that include the word or term that you have added
4.2 The maps have a selection of pre-defined filters that are most commonly searched for. When selecting any of these, you will only see results for profiles where the owner has chosen that filter/category. You may select as many categories as you like
Please note: At times ‘Filters’ and ‘Tags’ can remove options that you may really want to see
Step 3 – The Results:
You will now see the profiles that match your request. Just click on any of the ‘Pin-Points’ on the map
See 1below for an example of the ‘Pop-Up’ that opens when you click on a map pin-point
In the ‘pop-up’ you will see a number of things which are an introduction to the profile:
1 A ‘Heart’ – this is where you click to add the profile to one of your lists
Step 4 – Selecting Which List and Adding it to It
Once you click on the heart it will open a new ‘pop-up’ box
1 Select the list that you would like to add the profile to
2 Or select create another list – if you select this option please follow the guides above on how to do this
3 Click ‘Add’
Follow Steps 1, 2 and the Start of Step 3 from Above
1 Select ‘List’ view
You will now see the results in list format.
1.1 Click on the ‘Heart’ in the top right-hand corner of a profile to add it to your chosen list, select the list you want to add it to and then click add.
You will notice that once you have added the profile to a list the heart in the top right-hand corner will change from Grey to Purple
Example of Profiles in List View – Showing if they have been added to a List
1.1.1 If the ‘Heart’ is grey then this shows that the profile has not yet been added to a list
1.1.2If the ‘Heart’ is Purple then this shows that the profile has already been added to a list
Whether you have just created your first list or if you are wanting to manage your existing lists, you can now view and edit them further from your dashboard.
1 Locate your lists by clicking on ‘Your Name’s aDoddle’
2 Then select ‘Lists & Favourites’
3 Select which List you would like to Manage
Now that you are viewing a list, there are a few things you can do to manage your list further.
Here is how your screen should appear, once you have clicked on an individual list:
1 This is the name of the list you have clicked on
2 This is the number of projects you have added to your list so far
3 Clicking on the ‘printer’ icon, allows you to print a physical copy of your list – Please see the next section for more details
4 Clicking on the ‘pencil’ icon, allows you to edit your list (See 4.1 below, to be walked through this option)
5 Clicking the ‘X’ icon, allows you to delete the entire list.
Please note: If this is clicked, a message will appear, asking you to confirm that you would like to delete your list. For example, if you click this accidentally, you will get a chance to ‘cancel’ the decision to delete the entire list.
6 You can remove individual projects from your list by clicking the ‘X’ in the top-right corner of each project
7 Each project you have added to your list, can be viewed in their own square boxes, as shown here. Click anywhere within the box to open the project’s full profile.
After clicking the ‘pencil’ icon to edit your list, this box will appear, giving you more options.
4.1 This shows the name of the list you are editing
4.2 Here is where you can change the name of the list
4.3 Here is where you can change the Privacy settings of your list. See 4.3.1 below for the list of options
4.4 Here is where you can add or update your list’s description (a good place to add any information about the list or the projects added into it)
4.5 Once you are done editing, click ‘Update List’
4.3.1 These are your Privacy options for your list, each individual list will have its own Privacy option and this can be changed at any time.
The options are:
(If sharing through social media please do tag us so that we can share forward)
There may be times when you would like to send someone a copy of your list or even print it to be able to give someone a physical copy.
Please note: We are still developing this function and realise that it is still fairly basic. Therefore we would really appreciate feedback from you regarding the information that is shown on the list.
For Example:
Click on 3to select the ‘Print’ option
As every laptop and printer are set up differently this next section is a guide only, as on your system things may look different.
1 & 2 Select your printer
3 You may now see a preview of how your list will look
4 Click Print
1 & 2 Click the down arrow to the side of your printers name and a drop down list will appear.
3 Select the ‘Save as PDF’ Option and then click on the ‘Print’ or ‘Save’ button (Different systems can show different options)
Once you have done this you will then be asked where you want to save the PDF.
We apologise that this section is a little vague – it really is hard to create a guide when we know that what you are seeing may look different to our screen. Do let us know if you think we can improve the guide.
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
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We are committed to making everything we do as accessible as possible, to as many people as possible. Our team always listens to feedback and if it is something that we can do, we will. Sometimes we are able to make changes immediately, at other times it may be a 'bigger' piece of Tech development, or we may need to do a piece of research first and it may take a little longer, and then there will be times when it is something that we can't do and for that we apologise.
Please Note Regarding Grammar & Accessibility:
Feedback from those with different abilities suggests that the use of punctuation can help them with reading and understanding. Therefore, our content and layout may not always be grammatically correct, we are doing this purposefully - working towards making it accessible for all.
Our team always listens and appreciates your feedback.
If you have feedback or suggestions as to how we can improve this guide, or the aDoddle Community Maps then please do get in touch. We genuinely do listen and all respectful feedback is appreciated.
We would also love to hear from you if there are things that you like or love about the maps or guides - it is wonderful for our team, who are mostly volunteers, to hear the good things as well and for them to know that their hard work is making a difference.
Thank you in advance for getting in touch.